First dates can be nerve-wrecking. You want to impress the other party, so you decide to put on a little more makeup than you usually do.
You apply a thick layer of foundation for the appearance of a smooth and clear skin. You apply more contour on your nose for the appearance of a higher nose bridge. You overline your lips for the appearance of thicker lips.
Sounds like a recipe for disaster if you ask me.
The thick layer of foundation has given you a cakey face. Some foundations can crease up easily if you applied too thick a layer. A tip would be to go for light coverage foundations which are easily buildable. This way, you can always add on more foundation without looking cakey if you find yourself needing a little more coverage!
In the long run, it would be wise to invest in a good skincare regime or go for facials occasionally to better your complexion. With naturally good skin, you won’t have to worry about cakey foundation anymore!
Now about your contour. Too much contour has given you a dirty-looking nose instead of a sharp nose. For contour, a little goes a long way. Try not to be too heavy-handed as you might just end up looking like a dirty potato. If all else fails, blend blend blend! Blend out those harsh lines so that everything looks more natural.
For a longer lasting solution to having a more defined nose, nose threads are an alternative that has a relatively low downtime which can last you up to 2 years! No more concerns about looking grubby with too much contour.
You’ve overdrawn your lips a little too much. Sure, Kylie Jenner’s thick lips are all the rage. But the lips are way too overdrawn and now it looks obviously unnatural. You can try using more neutral colours and try to stick to the natural corners of your lips. These tips would help you create the illusion of fuller lips while also keeping things looking natural.
At the end of the day, your looks only matter to a certain extent. Don’t be too consumed by your appearance and let your personality shine. That is what will propel you forward! Good luck for your date!