Fathers’ Day is coming! What are you thankful to your father for? For me, I am thankful for the advice he has given me throughout the years, even though I usually end up not heeding his advice and regretting later. I am also grateful to him for providing me with a comfortable life.
As a token of gratitude, I am planning to get my dad a present. Here are some options that I am considering getting this fathers’ day and hopefully it will give you some inspiration on what to get for your father too!
1) A Computer Monitor
With work-from-home here to stay, it would be a worthy investment to get a monitor. Working from the tiny screen can be difficult for my father since his eyes are not as sharp anymore. He has also mentioned that the small screen results in his eyes being more tired as well. With the monitor, he can view his documents with ease and can even have dual screens! I promise this is not a ploy to get my father to work more.
2) Aesthetic Treatment
I always forget that as I grow to be more independent, my father is also growing older. All those wrinkles on his forehead, his receding hairline, they are all starting to become too obvious to ignore. If your father is anything like mine, he’d reply that “you’re the best gift” with when you ask what present he wants.
As the ‘best gift’, I decided that the best most apt gift for him would be the Revage 670 Laser to target his hair loss. This treatment stimulates the blood circulation of the scalp by using a powerful yet low laser energy. This would help to increase hair density and halt hair loss. Another reason why I think this would be perfect for my busy father is because there is no downtime for this treatment, and it can be done in less than 30 minutes! He can then carry on with his plans for the day.
3) Massage Chair
Wouldn’t it just be great to have a massage anytime you like? A massage chair is created exactly for that purpose. After ending a long day of work, my father can switch from the office chair to the massage chair immediately. Those shoulders deserve a good massage after shouldering the responsibility of being the breadwinner of the house.
Choosing a present might be difficult, but I am sure no matter which present I end up choosing for my father, he would appreciate it greatly. Cliché, but it truly is the thought that counts. Happy fathers’ day to all the great fathers! Thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made!