Collagen makes up a third of protein composition in our body. Present in skin, muscles, tendons, blood vessels and even bone, think of it as the glue that holds the body together. There are 4 main types of collagen, and as we age, our body produces less and lower-quality collagen. In the skin, this translates to signs of aging such as thinning, sagging, and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles! So have you wondered, what are the ways to get more collagen into our body to delay the dreaded signs of aging? EAT IT Most of us eat collagen almost daily without even knowing it! Edible collagen is found in animal bones, cartilage, chicken and fish skin. But is it effective? Apparently, not really. Eating whole collagen is usually accompanied with unwanted doses of fat and cholesterol, and it is not clear what the digestion process does to the protein anyway. Still, hydrolyzed collagen in the form of supplements may be useful, but get ready for a long Continue Reading