I heard of something ridiculous, which is actually not– standing at the top of the staircase will make you age faster, than you do standing on the floor below, according to Einstein’s theory of relativity. The explanation was that gravity slows down or dilates time. While scientists have said this is not quite the key to youth, this is encouraging – one could actually live in the mountains and be less old. Unfortunately, few of us have the fortune to live at gravity-defying heights. Cosmetically speaking, this new age of non-invasive, age and gravity-defying skin treatments then make a lot of sense. The key of today’s anti-aging efforts is to slow down the process of skin aging, rather than have a surgeon go snip snip and pull your skin towards your scalp when it’s all too late. That is why treatments such as the Trinity Facelift is a hit with so many. Women are seeking preventive measures (from looking deflated and saggy), they start non-invasive skin tightening measures early. Ultherapy Continue Reading