The SW1 Clinic has a new toy in its arsenal. Armed with a tiny tiny needle, this microinjection is touted the latest facelift, except it isn’t the real facelift and has no knives or sutures involved at all. Youth Savant is DNA extract therapy. It contains polynucleotides from purified salmon DNA. Best known for its healing and regenerative properties for anyone who wants better skin, it is delivered via microinjections into the dermis, revitalizing skin and drastically improving skin health holistically. Youth Savant revives aging skin via several processes: Regeneration. It makes new blood vessels which provides oxygen and nutrients for cells to repair and regenerate. Stops Inflammation. It reduces inflammation which normally causes cells to die by apoptosis or programmed cell death, so cells can repair themselves – this is also why Youth Savant has been shown to reduce scars. Teaches your skin to build more collagen. Fibroblasts create collagen in the skin and this restores elasticity, reducing fine lines and wrinkles Teaches your skin repair itself. Youth Savant Continue Reading