Great, glowing skin will not change your life around instantly but feeling beautiful in your skin can give you a confidence boost to put your best foot forward in life. Here are some of the latest and hottest FDA-approved lasers for an uplifting transformation. 1. REDNESS AND ROSACEA If your face is prone to blushing and flushing, and has tiny red pimple-like bumps, it might mean you have rosaccea. Characterised by dilatation of blood vessels and causing redness at the slightest irritation – cold, heat, alcohol, stress and even spicy food. Long suffering flushed faces may find relief from a pulsed dye laser called VBeam. This laser is the gold standard treatment for broken capillaries, redness and flushing, even even certain birthmarks such as port wine stains. 2. PIGMENT AND PORES Laser treatments have been shown to be effective for tough pigments such as melasma, but conventional lasers have higher risk of worsening pigmentation when there is too much heat. Pico Pigment is the latest and hottest picosecond laser that Continue Reading