Suddenly, growing old doesn’t seem so scary.
A recent string of silver-stranded cover girls are putting some serious sexy back into the sexagenarian. Christie Brinkley, the original “Uptown Girl” and model who first graced the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit some 40 years ago, returned to Sports Illustrated at the age of 63 with her two young daughters.
“This is a real full circle moment for me,” Christie said through tears on set. “I can get very emotional about this. How many years ago, I was that insecure girl hoping that I would be good enough for the magazine. So to see my daughters now having the same thoughts I had, and to be able to see them actually be there on the job, was definitely a big moment.
“I couldn’t even believe my ears when I got the call that MJ wanted to shoot my daughters and me. I was thrilled.”

The question that’s behind everybody’s mind: Did she have a surgical facelift to thank for that ageless face? “I’d never say never [to plastic surgery],” says Christie. “But there are so many other non-invasive choices that address sagging, wrinkling and discolouration.”
Instead, she credits a vegan diet and monthly “special facials” from her dermatologist for keeping her uptown countenance polished and wrinkle-free – through 3 kids and 4 husbands. So whatever miracle “facials” she’s booking in for, we definitely want in too…or at least take the available equivalent.
“With a myriad of non-surgical youth fresheners widely available today, looking amazing for one’s age is no longer the sole privilege of superstars,” explains Dr Toby Hui, from the SW1 Clinic. “Many clinically-proven skin rejuvenation lasers are now available to wipe away various signs of skin ageing or sun damage such as lines, pigmentation and broken capillaries. And in the recent years, game-changers like non-invasive ‘lunchtime facelifts’ and newly-improved natural fillers allow women and men to ‘freshen themselves up’ quickly, quietly, and without quitting their usual activities or taking leave from work.”
Powerful, deep penetrating and provides quick lifting; yet gentle to all skin types, involves no sharp objects on our dermis and needs no recovery time – sounds almost fictional? Such non-surgical facelifts are now pinchable reality.
“The Trinity Facelift is an award-winning skin-lifting protocol pioneered by doctors of the SW1 Clinic, who also were originally from The Sloane Clinic. Using two of the world’s premium anti-ageing treatments, it allows anyone to stand firm in the face of gravity – on your terms. There’s no downtime, no risk of looking ‘plastic’, just a healthy revving-up on the inside for a natural, noticeable effect on the outside. This is a great clinical ‘facial’ to help busy modern women and men look like they’ve lived well.”
First up, Ultherapy utilises the safe, time-tested ultrasound energy to strengthen collagen in the deep structural support layers way under the skin – including those typically addressed in a surgical facelift – to effect a visible lifting and tucking in of saggy soft tissue such as jowls and the dreaded double chin. Following that, the Thermage employs radiofrequency waves for a tightening collagen boost to the overlying skin envelop, so you get better fitting skin that’s smooth and sleek and eyes that are more opened and alive. The combined result is an enviably taut and sculpted visage that looks, well, just like you but years younger. Sweet!
Read more: Which is better, Thermage or Ulthera?

While we’re fighting rising costs and inflation in our daily lives, our faces are deflating like a balloon with age at the same time.
“Hollows that form below the eyes, between the sides of the nose to the mouth, and in the temples cast unflattering shadows that render a face tired, drawn or even sickly. Conversely, lifting these gaunt hollows and restoring the natural youthful plumpness of the skin with hyaluronic acid natural fillers will take years off the face instantly.”
Innovative use of newer ultra-fine particle hyaluronic acid skin boosters have also allowed us to nurse a dull, lined dermis, dark circles and dreaded lip lines back to glowing health and a smooth, bouncy finish by replenishing skin’s depleted stores, without piling on any unwanted volume.
Read more: 5 Signs Your Face Looks Fake

Wrinkles and crinkles, spots and splodges: Complexion blemishes from cumulative environmental damage, lifestyle indiscretions and ageing seem to pop up overnight like a punishment. While the importance of effective skincare for slowing the clock is undeniable, even big ticket creams with radically greater costs don’t seem to deliver visibly better outcomes beyond a certain point – the common trigger for most who take laser plunge, in search of more cost effective solutions.
“Although either textural changes [like pores, lines and wrinkles] or an uneven skin tone might bug or predominate in a particular individual, many of us actually have a mixture of both. This is why fractional resurfacing lasers are popular to both smooth skin and erase the stains and discolourations simultaneously for the ultimate complexion refreshment. The SmartXide Dot Therapy laser treatment effectively counteracts signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagginess by stimulating collagen production. Unlike many other conventional CO2 lasers, SmartXide can be used on conventionally “untreatable areas” such as the eye, decolletage and neck.
And what about Christie Brinkley’s unbelievably toned body and energetic presence? “That’ll have to come from years of eating right and workouts. But we’re definitely noticing a rise in demand for skin rejuvenation treatments like SmartXide laser, Thermage skin-tightening and natural fillers for the areas of the body such as the décolletage, hands and knees to eliminate all telltale clues of one’s vintage.”
Interesting read! I believe that healthy diet and regular excercises remain the cornerstones of beauty with age. But it’s great to know that there are so many fabulous options besides surgery to reverse the signs of aging. I wish to look like that at 60 too!
Christie is my idol!!! Ultherapy is definitely for me. I did it last year and I loved the results!
I have seen the effects of Mixto laser on my sister in law and the results were fantastic. I am contemplating getting them done in the next month but have not been able to find a free slot to accommodate the downtime of a week.
I just did my Thermage for my face, jawline and neck. I didn’t see much of a difference initially but all my friends commented that I looked fresher by the second week. I am now into my fourth week and can’t wait to see the full results. I am hoping for the smooth supple skin of Gianna Jun…. 🙂
Do anti-wrinkle creams work at all? and what is the youngest age one should consider anti-aging products? I am now 23 and terrified of ageing. Any thoughts on this?