If you’re having some trouble finding an effective acne solution, you’ve come to the right place. You watch every commercial and read every magazine article you find but still can’t find an acne treatment that works for you. Everyone’s skin is a little different and sometimes it takes more than a single type of treatment to get a good result. But not to worry, we spoke to some experts and we’re going to give you some guidance on highly effective solutions for acne.
Blue Light Therapy
Pimples are usually form in the same way from clogged pores, or pores become blocked, letting impurities, bacteria and cells build up and form a plug. Well, the main cause is from an abnormal amount of bacteria, resulting in inflammatory acne. I-clear aka the blue light therapy emits powerful rays that penetrate follicles to kill off acne-causing bacteria. It utilises innovative Photo Dynamic Therapy technology to effectively aim at the bacteria without affecting surrounding tissues. This painless, non-invasive therapy is suitable for moderate inflammatory acne and ideal for maintenance of acne control. I-Clear is effective in as little as 8 treatment sessions (twice a week for 4 weeks). I-Clear is incorporated in some facial and topical treatments for prolonged skin clearing benefits for very acne prone skins.
Pimple ER
So what do you do when an especially robust zit erupts on your face? Here’s the answer you have been looking for all these years! Pimple ER (Emergency Remedy) is an innovative three-step therapy to treat individual zit from within to stop infection in its tracks. It only takes a minute for the physician to inject into the lesion and your mega-zit should subside within 24 hours. This impressive therapy also utilises dermal healing topicals and transdermal delivery of active ingredients to soothe and calm your skin so that it heals flawlessly in the shortest possible time.
Topical treatments
We all know acne develops when there’s hormonal shifts such as puberty, menstrual cycle or prior to menopause. This causes an overproduction of oil and cells inside a follicle and together, they plugs the opening of the pore and subsequently causing the follicle beneath to swell. The end result with an overgrowth of bacteria is whiteheads, blackheads, pimples or even pus-filled lesions. Topical treatments work by cleansing the pores by preventing the impurities getting jammed up. Pore-cleanser such as OTC medications that contain benzyl peroxide and/or salicylic acid are usually very effective particularly if the breakouts are not severe. Try deep pore clearing serum such as Sapphire Balancing Clarity Serum to help clear up blackheads and reduce oiliness and blemish. It features an effective dose of potent salicylic acid and skin rejuvenating hyaluronic acid to balance and clear up skin blemishes, unclog pores and regulate healthy cell turnover. Stronger cases may call for prescription retinoids which are highly effective treatment for acne.